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Sky view

Sky view

I took this picture a while ago. Love the colors and the contrast between the tree branches and the sky.

Anything Better Than This

So anything is better than the welcome message one here. So… what to write, what to say… does it matter anyway? Who really reads, and understands? Not until you know the person, can you understand the writing. How many think they know a person because of their writing? too many to count. When is the last time you spent an hour with someone and not become distracted by the things going on around you? Like the phone, television, other people, just noise in general. How can you get to know a person if you’re constantly being distracted? I know I can’t do it… what type of extra noise is in a person’s writing? Do you know how to read behind the ink and see the person and who they are? Not likely. I know I sometimes am guilty of this, as well as trying to ignore things, since if I don’t know a person, how can I be hurt by them? Did you or I ever stop to wonder if it’s not hurting us by not getting to know a person? Sometimes, when I’m alone, I wish I could talk to someone, but who knows if that person I ignored could’ve come through for me in the end… just because of being afraid to get hurt… Get up! shake the dust from your clothes and keep moving, because there are so many things that knock us down and drag us through the mud… It’s a good thing I know how to do laundry.

Random thoughts lead to new beginnings and some very interesting insight, when the keys are moved and the pen allowed to finally be released from it’s plastic cage, such beauty and despair all within reach… do you have the courage to face another day?